Lovely old friends
About 2 days ago, my friend sent me some pictures. Those were taken when they had a 'halal bihalal'. And I realized, it has been 10 years since I know them: my friends from uni. Though I am not really close with all of them (specially since now I live in the different part of the world, of course I am behind from a lot of things about them), but was 10 years ago since the first time I met them. How time is flying by...
I saw the pictures, and I saw life. I remember, how young we were when the first time we met. Now, we are not some teenagers who just started our college life anymore....Now, we are women. And mostly my friends have their own family now, and some little children....I always imagine, how nice having friends, grown together with them, and see our kids grow up. And it makes me sad that my dream is not a reality....
Maybe, I have to admit that all this time, I've been running away...Maybe, now it is time to keep back on the right track.
I miss you all, my sweet lovely friends.....It has been 10 years, and how I wish I will be able to be in the picture next time you all have 'halal bihalal'.....

Kukenang pertama kali kukenal wajah2 itu
Kutersenyum bahagia kini ku masih menjumpai wajah2 itu
sudah 10 tahun berlalu
tahun 1994 kami bertemu
kami kini ada di penghujung tahun 2004
Ada bahagia, ada marah, ada rindu, ada kecewa
melebur, menghangus tertanam dalam canda tawa
Teman, sahabat, kawan...
Tiada yang dapat kuucapkan selain syukur
10 tahun bukan waktu yang singkat
Untuk menjalin silaturahmi yang terjaga
dari batin dan ketulusan hati
Jakarta, 27 Nov 2004
By: "Ade" Anggrek
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