Sunday, October 31, 2004

Moving or not moving, that is the question

Sunday afternoon, daylight saving time ends.
Wow! I am surprised knowing there are actually some people who really read my blog. Hmm...I didn't realize that I put such a "hot topic" on my last writing, but eventually I got some great comments! Well...but there is something I have to clear about. First, the idea of moving to LA is indeed very tempting (with Disneyland and Magic Mountain!!), but the reason is not because I have a broken heart, or anything to deal with love. It is pure because I want to search a better life. Career and school are included, but romance is excluded ^_^
I had broken hearts before, and it was really killing me (fyi, that was before I moved to SF, that was even before I moved to US). But I survived, and now I start my life again as a new one. As I was reborn, I realized there are so many things more important than romance. I still believe in love, of course, the everlasting love, and I am still waiting for the right one. I find someone great now, but we have so many doubts about our future. Yet, it is not what I concern right now. I have to "fix" many other things first in my life.

So, I made up my mind. If I want to move to LA, it is because I want to have something better than what I have now. I don't want to run away, not from anything nor anybody. And, definitely, it is all pure about me try to follow my dream.

Anyway, I just got back home from St Mary's Dinner (I still wonder why they call it as dinner instead of lunch because it was started at 1.30pm). This is a charity; we (from Indonesian Catholic Community) came to St Mary Center in Oakland, cooked and served the lunch for the senior and homeless people. It is good. I like doing something like this, makes me grounded to life...makes me realize so many things that I can thank for in my life. And, makes me realize how life is not just about loving between a couple, but also, loving as a human being.

So! Move or not to LA? I start make some plans now, search some jobs in LA, and make some back-up plans too. I just want to have "something" better, if it happens to be here, it's good. If it happens to be in LA, that's perfect. I can't say anything now...just try my best in everything.

Wish me luck!


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