My new cellphone, so cool, and it rocks!!!

Now I can listen into my fav songs on my way to work. Changed my direction to work in downtown, and need to take the muni (I don't think anyone is willing to drive there and spend $12 a day just to pay the parking).
I just got it this morning so I am still researching its features, but so far so good: the sound is "good" (you need to say it like Bruce did - Bruce Almighty ^_^), and love the camera. Dunno bout the battery yet, hopefully will be tough enough.
Today is a nice day...
hohohoho.. gw tau.. yang super duper slim kan...
almost got that one.. but im a sucker for sony ericsson, so i got a 750i instead :D i gave it to my bro tho.
glad u like ur phone buw! susah2 gampang ya cari cell phone favorite.. cumen gw stuck sama yg g punya skarang... t610.. tough banget uda jatoh berkali2 juga..
Rokr, it's actually Motorola, but yes, they became cooler now. Never liked them before (though my 1st phone was actually Motorola), but I think they've achieved a lot to compete with Nokia now.
Ren, this one actually not super duper slim, I would rather say slim enough to be inside my palm, hehee...
eh masaa?? are we talking about a different model perhaps..? soalnya yang gw liat waktu itu.. tipisnya tipis banget buw.. its the tipisist phone ive ever seen..
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