Wednesday, February 01, 2006


OK, I'm back to school now. My classes have started this week, and....I am taking 4 classes. I had 6 classes actually, but as I will also start my new job next week, so I got to drop 3 classes that are held during the day, I didn't pass my GET (somehow I knew it though, so it’s fine for me), I got to take a writing class. So all will be 4 now, and will be a LOT of writing assignments (and of course, not very surprising, reading!). No art projects this semester, I think, and hope that I won't be mistaken. I couldn't imagine dealing with the art project and the writing assignment at the same time.

So it seems that I will get more than enough exercise to master my writing skill. I know my writing ability for easy stuff is ok, but to do my thesis, hell no. So it won't be too bad actually, cause I will get a chance to really learn and improve my writing. I just hope I will still have enough brain to do so. On the other side, as my job is a brand new one, I don't think I will deal with stress yet. It's probably will be in the phase of adaptation, and of course, learning. Hope I will do well. This is really a big step for me for getting into my dream job, cause I have landed myself into my dream company. Just have to make sure I’ll keep up the good work. Not gonna be easy still, working full time and go to school every night (well, 4 nights in a week to be exact). But hey, I’ve done this in the last couple semesters, so I know I can handle it (I think….). The worst chances are:
-that I will sacrifice my weekends (again),
-and be a nerd (ouch!).

Hmm….maybe for this time, I am happy that I am single. So I don’t have to compromise any other thing at the same time. Or, I won’t be obligated to show my face to someone when I just want to date with my textbooks. Oouh, yeah, I do have a feeling, true, but I think it will lead me only to nowhere, so maybe I should just drop it and let it go....

Anyway….it will be Monday soon, and I am very excited. Yeah, for once, I won’t say I hate Monday. And the last 2 weeks have been great for me, because I was doing totally nothing. Consider this as a refreshment and vacation, cause I dunno where will be the next time I can get 2 weeks off….well, maybe next year, but that will for my trip going back home (unless I decide to go somewhere else, as I did when I went to China instead of going back home).

Err...we’ll see….


Blogger irene said...

semangattttt reneeeeee!!!! banyakk kerjaan yaah.... but its all for the better kan!

9:31 PM  
Blogger fantast bouyah said...

"I won’t be obligated to show my face to someone when I just want to date with my textbooks"...being able to let someone grow into what they want is the best way to learn more about that person...good stuff!

9:37 PM  

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