Friday, May 26, 2006


It was about 2 weeks ago actually, but as I was totally swamped w/ wrapping
up my school, so I just get a chance to write now.

I was volunteering for Baker Beach clean-up on Friday, hmmm....2 weeks ago.
It's an event that was held by my company and the Golden Gate National
Recreation Area. It was fun! What we did actually was not glamour at all, I
mean, we did enjoy the sun (eventually it was so sunny that day, lucky us,
cause Baker Beach could be so cold when there's no sun), and we removed
some plants because they were not native plants; some of them came from
Africa and Europe (apparently not only human who migrate from one
country/continent to another, but also other living creatures). Those
non-native plants need to be removed otherwise they would invade the native
plants. Hm....hope we need only to do this in plants world, not in human's

Anyway! I was having lots of fun: fighting with several stubborn roots
while twisting my body. Most of the plants grew around the slope so it was
difficult to get a good position for pulling out the roots. When I woke up
in the next morning, my body was sored sooooo bad....But it was a good day,
just like gardening on a sunny day. My skin got so dark now, plus I went to
Santa Clara on the next day for Kara's birthday (OMG!!! She was so cute!!!!
Can't believe she's 2 yr old now, I still remember when I was babysitting
her when she was only 4 months old....). Spending almost my whole day in
the park down in Santa Clara on a sunny day? was hot,
literally. That time, I felt so glad that I live in the city, though it's
foggy very often, it's never been so hot like other cities.

In my old days, I would probably try so hard to get my skin lighter again,
but now I gave up with the power of sunlight. Besides, if you keep being
concern about 2 concepts of beauty in 2 different worlds, you'll just
making yourself nuts. after my school is done....I have the whole time but have nothing
to do....."sigh"...I need to start looking for something to fill in my free

Or...maybe I should just chillin' out and save my energy for the next coming battle.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Saat kau pergi

entah mengapa hatiku terus gelisah
apa yang kan terjadi
air mata pun jatuh tak tertahan
melihatmu terdiam

ternyata kau pergi tuk selamanya
tinggalkan diriku dan cintaku

apa kau melihat
dan mendengar
tangis kehilangan dariku

baru saja
ku ingin kau tahu
perasaanku padamu

mungkin Tuhan tak izinkan sekarang
kau dan aku bahagia

apa kau melihat
kau mendengar
kau melihat

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Farewell to The Charmed Ones

Let me reveal one secret: I am a huge fans of Charmed. Yup...another victim from Mr Spelling's creation. I remember when the first time I saw the series when I was in US, hmm....1999, and my sis told me that the series were played since a year prior to that. Then when I had to leave and I was back to my hometown, I found that the series were gonna be played there. I was so happy at that time, I even told everybody who wanted to listen how good the series. I remember how Prue left, and how Paige came abroad....once again they were the three charmed ones.

A couple of months ago, I stopped watching them cause I was barely at home on Sunday evening, then when I was forced to be at home again on Sundays evening, I found my enjoyment again by watching them, until today.

Today was the series finale episode. Yup. Series finale, not season finale. That's it. There will be no more for the charmed ones. No more Piper, Phoebe, or Paige. And from the show tonight, it was kinda showing all the flashbacks from all the characters (almost hoped that Prue would show-up, but nope). There they were, everyone found their true loves, and live happily ever after. And not for being corny, but seeing how the series that I've been watching for 7 years ended, I think I have the right to...put some moments here. And to be sad a little bit.

Yet, the show must go on, or maybe it will be right to put: the show must ended.
Take a bow, and let the curtains down....

Almost done...

I finally passed writing class. Yippy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've met the GET requirement so I can take my thesis. Phew!!!! After spending all my weekends writing and writing...this is really a relief. I was so scared I wouldn't pass, cause I felt I didn't do well on the final essay. This class has made me concerned so much, cause I know once I fail this, I can't take my thesis.
So this is really great news for me.

Almost done! One more final to go....then I can finally take a deep breath. Well, it should be 2 more actually, and hmm...for a moment, I was really really tempted to take the final for my China-business class (I don't have to, my grade is not as good as I wanted to, but is save enough for not taking final test), but when I opened up my notebook, my eyes stucked into the first word: confucianism; went on to the second one: buddhism, then about the earth, yin and yang ideology, joint venture, etc etc etc....Nahhh....never mind. This time I will accept my non-A grade.

I still have a big giant textbook to read anyway.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

from SF with love

If only
God gave me a pair of wings
so I could fly
high above to the blue sky
and my wings were strong
so I would fly
thousands of miles
across the lands, across the oceans
fly to see those brown eyes I miss
always filled with so much love
to hold those wrinkle hands, yet, always covered with warmth

then I would fly to see the face
that is aging with time
but her passion would never be defeated
and her love is timeless
and for me, she will always be the same one
from the day I was born, until the end of time

If only I could have
a pair of wings
then I would fly
to you, Mother, my home and within your love

Happy Mother's Day
May 14, 2006
San Francisco

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Viva Mr Groban!!

Take a look at him, he's so cute!!!!! Is this guy for real or what?
Ok, we know he sings amazingly, he plays piano well, now he plays drums?


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

To my hunny bunny

Yesss....that will be you, the one that I have known for more than 10 years (almost 12 to be exact). Hope everything is okay for you. Though I might not be able to pick up the phone and chat hours as I used to do, you will always be my hunny bunny....kekee.....

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