Merry Christmas! Today is Dec 25, 2005. Just got back from the Indonesian Christmas Mass. The choir was pretty good, got a new song that I think I like it (Jeff was doing a good job…wink wink…). Got so stuff today, and also yesterday at my sis place, been eating every minute…well, I guess this holiday is time for me to repair my nutrition….I barely had anything to eat in the last several months, lost almost 7 pounds…..or maybe it was also because the deep thought that I keep carry on….yo no se….I feel fine with my body weight actually, and actually losing 7 lb is ok cause I know I gained about the same in these 3 years. But somehow lots of people look at me with very concern look, and thinking I am having kinda anorexia…hoho…not at all, I am still a big eater, trust me……
Btw, I am writing with MS Word now….can’t connect into my internet…..damn the rain….I can’t catch the signal during the bad weather. But I feel so much eager to write…so here I am now, writing a piece of my thought, again. And hope I can log on soon….
Oh…yeah…got complain from 3 people about my blog. Well, my dear friends, first of all, this is really not a diary, I mean, this is not where I write about what happens in my life on a daily basis. Not also for poems place….lol….This is a place where I can write my thought, my confusion, my worries, and what I feel. So, it is okay to not understand my blog, cause I am really not expecting anybody to understand, hehehee……. I just feel that I need “a trash can” to throw away all my thoughts. Having a pensieve will be better actually, however, seems that only Dumbledore has it only (Jeff…sorry can’t explain more as you never read Harry Potter, you got to read it first ^_^)
So anyway, lately been kinda, err….dunno how to describe the weather, it’s been a crazy raining everyday, but the temperature is not really as cold as the usual winter. So, dunno whether or not I should complain about it, though I prefer to have an overcast weather: no sun, no rain: that will be perfect.
Hm….thinking about the weather, how I want to go to the ocean during the stormy and raining day…to stand on the beach, to see the big waves come to the shore, to see how “angry” the ocean is….to see how wonderful and strong the nature is….and finally, to realize, how small we are on this earth…..
Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Peace!
Psst…I can connect now, but it’s really freaking slowly! Feel worse than dial-up