Saturday, October 23, 2004

A little story

Finally! Hmm...Actually I started to write yesterday but had no time to finish it. We went to see Motorcycle Diary last night, it's pretty good, I kinda like it this time. Although I still barely understand (it's a Mexican movie), but I could catch some words. We also went to Costco in the afternoon, but didn't buy anything, I guess I'd better buy it in supermarket. I need just a small amount of maple syrup, not a big giant bottle for the whole camp. Hmm...I want to make some apple pancakes tomorrow, well...if...I still have my mood...hehehe...lot of times I just lose my good mood, and just prefer to spend my day in bed rather than get up and do things ^_^

It will be a busy weekend, remind me I have to prepare my oral test for Spanish class on Monday. Also I have to prepare a bit for FIDM essay (?) whatever it is. I still don't have any clue. Well...I guess it will be an essay about my purpose, or my future plan with FIDM, etc. Probably...oh yeah, I still have to finish my project..hmm...nice project actually, I wish I can do that for my everyday job and working as a buyer....

Just got an email from Lala, I have to go to St Thomas tomorrow...well...I am excited about the choir, but I don't know, I hope it won't be an exclusive choir. But maybe I can stop by at Stonestown tomorrow before I go to St Thomas and get some applications.

Saturday noon. Ikin just called again this morning (after called me at 4am yesterday, this time he did it the right time...hehehe...) It's raining again. Just had my brunch. Nice weather to sleep actually. Naa...Got to do my laundry, and study, plus prepare some songs for tomorrow. Well...this means I am not going tonight to Mudika Night, maybe it's better for me to have an extra night to do my stuff...and I am too lazy to drive to St Clara. Unless I can get a carpool. We'll see.

Ok. Have to face my Spanish book now.


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