Sunday, August 05, 2007

I had a dream...

I had a dream last night: I was in Hong Kong, walking along by myself in a hot humid cloudy day, the rain was just about to fall down to the earth. I felt so free. I knew soon I would meet my mom, and my dad. And I had shopping to do. No jobs due, no worriness, nothing.

I woke up and I realized, I am still here.


Dunno why I had that dream, perhaps because I was browsing my old blog yesterday...reading my own thoughts, my own memories. My sadness, my happiness. And I think I am missing home now.

I wrote this one about a year ago:

If only
God gave me a pair of wings
so I could fly
high above to the blue sky
and my wings were strong
so I would fly
thousands of miles
across the lands, across the oceans
fly to see those brown eyes I miss
always filled with so much love
to hold those wrinkle hands, yet, always covered with warmth

then I would fly to see the face
that is aging with time
but her passion would never be defeated
and her love is timeless
and for me, she will always be the same one
from the day I was born, until the end of time

If only I could have
a pair of wings
then I would fly
to you, Mother, my home and within your love

And yes, I met her last year too...and ever since that, I thought I was able to handle this feeling of being homesick. Well, I was wrong, this is like a virus that you can't ever cure. When you feel strong, you won't feel it, but when it comes to your deeper thoughts, you will realize that the feeling will always be there....


Blogger irene said...

reneee... sampe merinding baca puisinya.. kok gw ngga pernah baca itu itu sblonnya ya?? keren banget pokoknya renee... *deg2an* .. rene gw bikin lagu ya.. hahahaha aduh yang puisi mana tu ya yang gw mau bikinin lagu trus gagal? hahahaha... tapi gw coba yang ini bole yaa.. tapi tak edit dikitt... *cup cupp

12:18 AM  
Blogger GirlTraveler said...

iyahhhh bagus bgt!!!!
This part is my favorite:

".... to hold those wrinkle hands, yet, always covered with warmth
that is aging with time
but her passion would never be defeated
and her love is timeless
and for me, she will always be the same one
from the day I was born, until the end of time..."

Boo hoo hoooo.. i miss my mommmy :(

11:17 AM  

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