Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hmm....I actually don't really have anything to write...or perhaps too much that I don't even know how should I begin?

Anyway, I am living my life now. Couple of things happened at work....and I just can take a deep breath, and move on. One thing for sure, it's not easy working with someone who has tantrum.
Sometimes I feel so dull, that I am stuck here. But of course, looking back again at my past, what I have now is much better than before. Perhaps I am just complaning too much. I put so much patience to begin with this, what's wrong with another wait? Of course, people always say how nice I am, how easy I am to work with, still, I dont think I succeed, yet. And I don't know for how much longer I should wait?

So many things that are still up in the air....What happened last Wednesday at Trang's, what have happened all these past months. Reminded me how close I am for tears.

Sometimes I feel that I live in the misty air...How much I would like to have at least, one thing to settle down. Is it maybe that I am making my life more complicated than what it should be? And I still don't know the answer.


Blogger ejkoye said...

Irene, gua rabu mei 9 bakal sampe san jose jam 1 gitulah mau maen2 bentar, terus malamnya cabut ke SFO, jam 1 pagi cabut ke Jakarta, mungkin ga ktm?
Hehehe susah sih kayaknya gpp sih, nanya aja.
Eh btw, temen gua ada yg mau back for good ke Jakarta, daerah JakBar gitu deh terus kan nyari choir. Gua ngomong ttg Vox Angelorum, soalnya deket MBK-MKK kan? Ok ga ya? gua kenalin ke Henry gitu or gimana?

10:14 PM  
Blogger irene said...

bu.. saya juga lagi nyari2 jawaban... lagi bingung.. *pelok2 rene* *bingung b2an*

3:27 PM  

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