Sunday, August 27, 2006

Shoes oh shoes...

I'm in a mission: organizing my shoes. Finally I did some inventory, and so far, I have 44 shoes, including 3 sneakers, 5 boots, 1 ugg, 3 flip-flop. I am still dividing (or trying to decide) how many dressy shoes and how many casuals ones, cause they're all so look alike.

Anyway, my next mission is to take all the pics for all my shoes (yey!!, print them out and put on each of the shoe-box, because so far I always make a pick-a-boo everytime I need to look one of them, try to remember which box that the last time I put my red shoes, or my blue ones??

So wish me luck for my mission now, it's gonna be a long one for taking picture of 44 shoes, and putting the pic on 44 shoe-boxes....

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Weird. I appreciated how he didn't use me as a rebound. And now, just to forget him, I have to use someone else as my rebound???

Oh well, I don't know if I should feel angry or not, knowing the fact that as these times, for almost 6 months, I was being an idiot and he never thought that I am existed.

Deep breath, SalmonRose, I told myself. Move on! You have the other options that will give a better one, much rather than this person.

Yet, I am not ready to be nice.

Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting

Friday, August 18, 2006


Lately I have this odd feeling inside me. And now I keep questioning myself: where am I at, where am I going to? Is it really worth what I have done so far? It's not that I can't be grateful of what I have now, but I just don't know if I made the right choice?

And strange enough, how this girl from the past -whom I used to hate with all my breath, and lives at the other side of this country- feels the same way. How solitaire she is, how she feels the loneliness, how she doesn't care with the world anymore. Everytime I know more about her, I feel that I am mirroring myself. No wonder that one time my ex couldn't make his mind up and make a decision.

I grew up in loneliness. It has covered me so close then I feel so much comfort for being alone. I ain't a complete anti-social person, but I still enjoy myself in a solitude. I remember my early adulthood (or late teenager?), how then pain came and torturing my life. I was young, naive, and so blinded by love. I remember broken heart, endless nights with tears on my face. I wasn't deeply in love with someone, but I was deeply in love with myself. Thought I was a princess and when I found out that I didn’t have the world, I was torn. There was time when I had to hurt my own body so I didn't have to feel the pain in my heart. There was time I had to cut my flesh so I didn’t have to bang my head on the wall. There was time with no sleep, and I was awake with cigarettes and alcohol. Thanks God I kept some of my brain that I didn’t touch any drugs, at all.
I was hurt, and I know I hurt someone else too.

Then came when I thought I was almost to become a complete person, till the pain came again. Infidelity, dishonesty, disgrace. Questions that I had to answer, and an answer that I never had expected. That time I wasn't crying anymore. I ate so many tears and pain that I had no strength to cry. Another endless nights, and though I was much closer to Him at that time, I still took a very deathful decision, and even until now, I don’t know if God will ever take my sin for that. I regret what I did, but there was no turning back. I have to keep move on and living my life with a bloody memory.

I put all those things behind now. Trying to live a new life. Some memories are not able to forget. I gained what I have now with my own. And how sometimes I am still amazed how I become so independent now. I still don't have the world, but now I know I am not a princess and I am not expecting more.

And then in a perfect time when the blue moon comes, I feel so much alone. And I realized how being independent has made me even closer to the loneliness. I know I’ve made my choice. The best one that I can do for the sake of the most important people in my life now: my parents. And it’s ironic, how I hope to make them happy by being thousands miles away from them.

Yet, this is just a life, not a perfect life. I, who comfort the solitude, finally feels lonely.

And I'll keep my questions, and a prayer to answer them....

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Definitely when you got less sleep, plus with the influence of alcohol, everything will seems worse.

I am such a whinner today....for those of you who became my trash can, sorry guys....didn't mean to put you into this (though you all have been great listeners for me....). Thanks a lot!!
And I'll try to do my best to change the situation.....

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