Animal Planet
Just want to introduce the new-comer in my parents' house (or was the

Don't ask me what is this, cause I don't even know....My mom guessed it is 'Musang" (=civet). The color of the eyes was a bit strange because of the blitz effect (my mom said it's not really that yellow). This thing came to my parents' house about several months ago, and of course, made my mom panicked. It created a chaos and finally hid behind the stair (that was the perfect moment when my brother captured it with his camera). It is gone now, after several efforts from my mom and my brother....But I still can't keep wondering, how could a civet appeared in a such big-metropolitan city such as Jakarta? Is it possible that it belongs to someone? But, who would have a civet as a pet anyway???
The last thing I heard from my mom, that she got 3 new visitors now, they're kittens! And believe it or not, according to her, those kittens are the grandchildren of the cat that used to live in my parents house.
Ok, here's the story: about several years ago (I think I was still there, so it was in the year of 2002), a cat came over to my parents' house. As we no longer had a dog, we decided to let a single cat to live inside our garage, and we gave it food sometimes. And, it turned out that one day, he (yep, it's a he!) brought his girlfriend along with him to stay in my parents' house. And of course, a wedding bell was ringing soon, and not long after that, they had their babies...Aha! A single cat had become too many cats, and soon the house was getting too messy because of them. Cats' behavior is totally different than dogs', they're not loyal, well, especially they came from the street. So, for the hygienic reason, my mom "made" them to stay outside the house, and only gave them food rarely. And, long story short, they were finally gone, until now..... Seems that one the kittens has become a mom (or dad) and her (or his? dunno yet...) children now decided to visit the place that used to be a home for their granddad.
I'll ask my brother to get some pics from the kittens so I can post them here. Or maybe I should submit the story to animal planet channel...It could be even more interested than Serengeti..^_^
hahahha menariiikk bangettt.. lucuu dehh.. ada ceritanya segala.. hahaha
eh ada musang ya...
renee happy saturday!
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