Thursday, January 25, 2007


I am doomed!!!!
Arrgghhhh! Yesterday was a hectic one. Got my new passport so now I am
ready to go, and to all my worriness, it was fine and got my name fixed.

But the problem was at the evening when I finally started my new Spring

So, here's what happened:
Before the holidays, I paid already for the spring semester without knowing
what class that I could take, then I realized I can only take 1 class. So,
I drooped myself from the registration and thought I could just take the
class from the open university that would save me $600! I was wrong,
totally wrong! And it was all my mistake cause I should have checked the
rules first; I cant take any class from open uni as my status is a regular

So! I was running back and forth from the class to my advisor office, try
to get her proof for me to be able to take the class. And I finally did
after spending 2 hours. Then, when I tried to pay for the open uni, I got
rejected - as my status is regular student - so I tried to pay on-line at
the student office, and I still couldn't pay on-line until I realized that
of course I couldn't, cause I was late (on-line payment only available
before the class started) already. Tried to pay from the office - the
window was just closed 5 mnts earlier.

Long story short - instead of saving myself $600, I have to pay another
late fee and etc etc fees for about $40 or maybe $50.



Blogger irene said...

waduh! sorry to hear that.. but these things happen.. dohh gw mah kena late charges, ga bayar cc udah ga tau brapa ratus doli deh sampe credit udah jelek.. skarang gw senasip sama si ndoi.. sedih deh..

5:38 PM  

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